Rockin' - Find - 300

It's time to up the usual tupperware game with a container that comes with it's own camouflage! Are you up for the challenge? Grab some cement (or your building material of choice) and get started!


1) Choose an aim! There are a lot of tutorials online for making fake rock containers. Go with any set of instructions you'd like, or make it up as you go along.

Just make sure you meet to following criteria:

A) Your rock needs to be a container. This means that it has space inside to hide something in. (The size is up to you.)

B) Your rock should be synthetic! Don't simply glue a natural rock to a container and call it a day.

C) Do it yourself! This should be obvious, but don't simply buy a pre-formed fake rock.

Feel free to share promising instructions you've found in the comments below. This is the best set of instructions we've run across.

2) When you're done with your container, take a photo of it and share it on Instagram or Twitter with the tag #QuestScouts. 

Remember, if you post to a public Instagram or Twitter account your photo will show up on our Scout Board for other Quest Scouts to enjoy and comment on.

Note: If you'd rather keep your container off the internet, you can instead post a photo of your process.

Another note: You aren't required to hide your container to complete this objective, but I hope they all become geocaches or letterboxes eventually!