Up In Flames - Visit - 300


Dine at a fondue restaurant.


1) Identify a fondue restaurant you’d like to try. This might be a restaurant that specializes in fondue, or a restaurant that simply has fondue as an option on the menu. If you’ve been to a fondue restaurant before, consider trying out a new restaurant or ordering a cheese outside your comfort zone.

Alternative Objective: Instead of dining out, prepare and serve fondue at home. Use fancy cheeses if at all possible! Please note, we encourage you to dine out for this objective! Even if it takes advanced planning, we think it will be worth the effort. However, we’re allowing this alternative due to potential geographic, financial and/or dietary issues.

2) Visit the fondue restaurant. Make sure to eat up and have a great time.

3) Take a photo while at the fondue restaurant and post it on Instagram or Twitter with the tag #QuestScouts. Alternatively, you can also share your fondue photos in our Facebook group.

4) In the comments below, describe your fondue dining experience. Where did you go? What type of cheese(s) and additional ingredients did your fondue contain? Was this your first time at a fondue restaurant? What made this trip special?