Up In Flames - DIY - 300


“We are not here to curse the darkness,
but to light the candle that can
guide us thru that darkness to a safe
and sane future.”

-John F Kennedy


Make your own wax candles.


1) Browse the web and choose a candle making technique that you’d like to try. Dipped Candles? Jar Candles? Beeswax Candles? The choice is up to you! If you’ve made candles before, consider trying a new technique.


Beachside Sand Candles

Evergreen & Herb mason jar candles

Olive Oil scented candle

Wrapped Beeswax Candles

Leftover Crayon Candle

2) Make your candle!

3) Take a photo to document your candle making and post it on Instagram or Twitter with the tag #QuestScouts. Alternatively, you can also share your experience in our Facebook group.

4) In the comments below, describe your candle making adventure. What type of candle did you make? What tutorial, if any, did you use? Was it any fun? Did anything interesting happen? Did you learn anything? Most importantly, how did the candles turn out?


Making Cents - Literature - 150 each (450 max)

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Send a personalized message about Quest Scouts to someone you think might like to join us.


1) Take a few moments to think about the reasons you enjoy Quest Scouts. What is it about Quest Scouts that benefits your life?

2) Referencing the reasons why Quest Scouts has changed your life for the better, identify between one and three people you feel might also benefit from being a part of the Quest Scouts community. 

3) Quest Scouts can be a bit confusing for new people. They often don't understand how Quest Scouts will fit into their lives. For each person you identified, consider the best way to drop them a note. The more considerate you are here, the more likely the person will be to check out our community.

-Send them a Quest Scouts postcard
(If you've ordered badges from us, you've probably noticed our packaging doubles as a postcard!)
-Write a hand written letter
(We promise we won't tell your computer!)
While something hand written is preferable, if you think e-mail is the best way to go, do it!

4) Write and send! Write to your new recruits in whatever way you planned. Make sure to explain why you feel they should give Quest Scouts a try.

5) In the comments below, let us know how many people you reached out to, and what methods you used to reach out.

6) Thank you for being awesome! Collect 150 points per person you wrote to, up to 450 points.

Making Cents - Travel - 100 Each (500 max)

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Print (or draw) five Quest Scouts fliers and hang them in highly trafficked areas.


1) Aquire between one and five fliers that advertise Quest Scouts. You can print ours or make your own!

2) Hang your fliers in locations you feel will be most productive.

3) In the comments below, tell us how many fliers you posted and where you posted them.


Making Cents - Visit - 250


Browse a dollar store and buy the most ridiculous item you can find.


1) Head to a dollar store. (It might be fun to listen to the media objective on the way!) Make sure to bring a dollar with you!

2) Browse the dollar store with hilarity in mind. What is the most funny, or most strange item you can find?

3) You know that item you identified. The strange/funny one? Buy it!

4) Take a photo of what you bought and post it on Instagram or Twitter with the tag #QuestScouts. You can also share your experiences in our Facebook group.

5) In the comments below, describe your dollar store adventure. Who did you go with? Was it any fun? Did anything interesting happen?

Making Cents - Research - 100



Check out the design of your state's quarter and dig deeper into its history.


1) Take a look at your state's quarter. We even did the googling for you- Wikipedia has an image of each quarter!

2) Note the unique image and wording on your state's quarter.

3) It's research time! Spend 15-30 minutes researching what is depicted on your quarter.

4) In the comments below, list:

A- Your state
B- A description of your state's quarter
C- Three interesting facts you learned while researching

Making Cents - Photography - 100



Use social media, photography and writing to explain why you enjoy Quest Scouts.


Social media is an easy yet effective way for you to help us get the word out about Quest Scouts. 

1) Take a photo that represent your love for Quest Scouts. Perhaps a photo of you working on an objective? Or you in your Quest Scouts t-shirt?

2) Post it on Instagram or Twitter with the tag #QuestScouts. Include in your photo's description the "Top 3 Reasons I Love Quest Scouts." Then, list all five reasons. 

Sample Text:

Top 3 Reasons I Love Quest Scouts!
1) It inspires me to get out and do things outside my comfort zone.
2) The community is filled with fun, interesting people.
3) The travel objectives always make geocaching more interesting.

Making Cents - DIY - 300


Make a pledge to the Quest Scouts Series III Badge Book Kickstarter campaign.


In case you missed it, Making Cents is a little different than our average quests. Making Cents is part of our new Kickstarter campaign designed to raise awareness and money for Series III of Quest Scouts!

If we're able to meet our minimum of $1500, we'll be able to print badge books for 12+ new Series III quests! 

1) Go to our Kickstarter page and make a pledge of any amount. $1! $10! $1,000! 

That's it. Easy peasy. And of course, we're offering great rewards in exchange for your help. 

2) Seriously, there is no second step. Make a pledge and collect your points!

Making Cents - DIY - 300


Create a project of your choice that incorporates coins in its design or use.

1) Choose a DIY project that incorporates coins in its design or use. The sky is the limit here, but make sure it's a project that you feel is worthy of 300 points! 

A couple ideas for you!
-Cardboard coin sorting machine
-Frame your travel coins
-Penny table top
-Coin Purse

And of course, you can always come up with your own idea!

2) Make your project!

3) Take a photo of your completed project and share it on Instagram, Twitter, or our Facebook Group. If posting to Instagram or Twitter, use the tags with the tag #QuestScouts. (As always, using a non-private account is best so we can see what you're up to!) 

Making Cents - Art - 100



Create origami using a dollar bill.

1) Search for a dollar origami tutorial that appeals to you.

A few of our favorites...
-Throwing Star

2) Fold your dollar into the pattern your chose.

3) Take a photo of your completed origami project and share it on Instagram, Twitter, or our Facebook Group. If posting to Instagram or Twitter, use the tags with the tag #QuestScouts. (As always, using a non-private account is best so we can see what you're up to!) 

Tin Men Micro Objective - Games - 50


Quest Scouts inspires your to squeeze the most out of life while collecting real-life, physical badges. 


Fill in the answers to our "Robotic Trivia" to reveal the hidden word. 


1) Download and print the Tin Men Robotic Trivia puzzle by clicking the green button below.

2) Fill in the blanks to solve the puzzle. (Feel free to use reference materials if need be!)

3) When you've revealed the hidden word, check your answer by clicking here.

4) You're done! Leave a comment below telling us that you completed the micro objective.


Making Cents - Find - 250



Release a "Where's George?" dollar and track its travels.


1) Create an account at Where's George.

2) Attain a dollar bill and register your bill on Where's George.

3) If you haven't yet, make sure to write "Track this bill at wheresgeorge.com" on your bill so future holders of the bill know they can track it.

4) Release your bill into the wild!

5) In the comments below, tell us where and when you released your bill.

6) (Optional) While you should collect your points after finishing #5, we encourage your to keep tabs on your bill and watch as it travels.

Tin Men Micro Objective - Media - 50


Quest Scouts inspires your to squeeze the most out of life while collecting real-life, physical badges. 


Predict the winner of the Robot Wars battle, then "design" a battling bot of your own.


Robot Wars in a BBC show about, you guessed it... WARRING ROBOTS!!! Robotics teams design and then battle their bots to the death.

1) Watch the video below for exactly 33 seconds, then hit pause. 

2) Guess which robot will win the battle.

3) Resume watching the video to the end.

4) In the comments below, tell us a) Which robot you predicted would win and b) Which features you would install on your robot if you were to compete on Robot Wars.

Tin Men Micro Objective - Art - 50


Quest Scouts inspires your to squeeze the most out of life while collecting real-life, physical badges. 


Create "Index Card Art" inspired by the provided prompt.


This micro quest is part of our ongoing series, "index card art." We chose index cards for two reasons. First, index cards are inexpensive cheap and readily available. We don't expect that it will be difficult for any of you to procure an index card. Second, many who don't consider themselves "artists" tend to stress about creating or sharing art. Using an index card instead of a sketch book lends itself to silliness. Have fun with the prompt! We're not looking for perfection, just a good time. You can save your index cards and look back at them over time, or throw them away. The choice is up to you!

1) Gather your supplies. You'll need an index card (4x6 or 5x7) and something to draw with. (Pencil, pen, markers... you get the point!)

2) Interpret the prompt below to make your index card art.

Robots + X-Ray = ?


3) Share a photo of your index card art on Instagram,Twitter or our Facebook Group with the tags #QuestScouts and #NotecardArt. 

Remember, if you post to a public Instagram or Twitter account your photo will show up on our Scout Board for other Quest Scouts to view and interact with.


Tin Men - Media - 150


Watch and review the robot themed movie of your choice. 


1) Watch one of the listed robot themed movies.

2) Let us know which you watched and what you thought of it in the comments below.


D.A.R.Y.L. (1985)

Available through Amazon Video and Netflix DVD.

The Stepford Wives (2004)

Available through Amazon Video and Netflix DVD.

The Iron Giant (1999)

Available through Amazon Video and Netflix.

I, Robot (2004)

Available through Amazon Video and Netflix DVD.