Quest Scouts now has a regular schedule!

(Note: This post was originally sent through e-mail to our subscribers.)

Hi Everyone!

One of the things most important to Quest Scouts is CONNECTION. We realized that while we’re continuously posting online, you may be missing us because we aren’t following a discernible schedule. It’s time to change that! For the next few weeks, this is what you can expect from us:

Tuesday, 2:00 PST- New Micro Quest!

Every Tuesday we’ll be posting a new micro quest. Micro Quests are like objectives. They are help make up a quest and provide points to be used toward the completion of that quest. The difference between micro quests and objectives is that micro quests are revealed not when the quest is revealed, but instead on a specific date. Look for micro quests for Mission: Kickstart underneath the objectives.

Wednesday, 12:00 PST- QUESTION OF THE wednesDAY

Every week we’ll be posing a question and we hope you’ll take a moment to answer it. Questions will range from simple to thought provoking to serious. If we need feedback from our members in order to help shape the direction of Quest Scouts, this is where we’ll ask for it. For now, our QOTW will be posted in the comments section of our Kickstarter page. We’re posting them there in hopes of getting a conversation started on Kickstarter. (Last weeks question is up now if you'd like to check it out.)

Thursday, 2:00 PST- Objective Highlight

First off, the name needs work. (Any ideas?) That being said, every week we will highlight an objective in an active quest. Objective highlights will (most often) feature me (Dylan, founder of Quest Scouts) and my crew completing an talking about an objective and letting all of you know how it went. This is an evolving idea so stay tuned to see how it ends up.

Friday, 12:00 PST- Check-In

This is a chance to let your fellow Quest Scouts know where you are! Each week we’ll post a check in asking how many points you’ve earned toward the most current quest. Feel free to share with us what objectives you’ve finished as well as stories of the adventures you’ve been on. For now we’re posting the check-ins on our Facebook Page, but may soon be moving them to our website. (We'll keep you posted.)

We hope to see your comments in some (or all) of what’s to come. You know where to find us!
