Tin Men - Games - 200


Enter the Design A Robot Contest with Tin Specter Games.


1) We've partnered withTin Specter Games, an indie tabletop gaming company in Portland Oregon, to bring you this quest. Head to the Tin Specter Game website and read the description of their first game, Robot Deputies in Outer Space, which is currently in development. 

2) Click on the "Design A Robot" button to download the necessary PDF to enter the contest.

3) Following the directions provided on the PDF, imagine and draw a robot for the contest. Remember to give your bot a name!

4) (Optional) Enter the contest by mailing your design to the address listed on the pdf. (Hm... That address seems VERY familiar...)

5) Take a picture of your robot and post it on Instagram or Twitter with the tags #QuestScouts and #TinSpecter.

Remember, if you post to a public Instagram or Twitter account your photo will show up on our Scout Board for other Quest Scouts to enjoy and comment on.