Making Cents - DIY - 300


Create a project of your choice that incorporates coins in its design or use.

1) Choose a DIY project that incorporates coins in its design or use. The sky is the limit here, but make sure it's a project that you feel is worthy of 300 points! 

A couple ideas for you!
-Cardboard coin sorting machine
-Frame your travel coins
-Penny table top
-Coin Purse

And of course, you can always come up with your own idea!

2) Make your project!

3) Take a photo of your completed project and share it on Instagram, Twitter, or our Facebook Group. If posting to Instagram or Twitter, use the tags with the tag #QuestScouts. (As always, using a non-private account is best so we can see what you're up to!) 

Making Cents - Art - 100



Create origami using a dollar bill.

1) Search for a dollar origami tutorial that appeals to you.

A few of our favorites...
-Throwing Star

2) Fold your dollar into the pattern your chose.

3) Take a photo of your completed origami project and share it on Instagram, Twitter, or our Facebook Group. If posting to Instagram or Twitter, use the tags with the tag #QuestScouts. (As always, using a non-private account is best so we can see what you're up to!) 

Tin Men Micro Objective - Games - 50


Quest Scouts inspires your to squeeze the most out of life while collecting real-life, physical badges. 


Fill in the answers to our "Robotic Trivia" to reveal the hidden word. 


1) Download and print the Tin Men Robotic Trivia puzzle by clicking the green button below.

2) Fill in the blanks to solve the puzzle. (Feel free to use reference materials if need be!)

3) When you've revealed the hidden word, check your answer by clicking here.

4) You're done! Leave a comment below telling us that you completed the micro objective.


Making Cents - Find - 250



Release a "Where's George?" dollar and track its travels.


1) Create an account at Where's George.

2) Attain a dollar bill and register your bill on Where's George.

3) If you haven't yet, make sure to write "Track this bill at" on your bill so future holders of the bill know they can track it.

4) Release your bill into the wild!

5) In the comments below, tell us where and when you released your bill.

6) (Optional) While you should collect your points after finishing #5, we encourage your to keep tabs on your bill and watch as it travels.

Tin Men Micro Objective - Media - 50


Quest Scouts inspires your to squeeze the most out of life while collecting real-life, physical badges. 


Predict the winner of the Robot Wars battle, then "design" a battling bot of your own.


Robot Wars in a BBC show about, you guessed it... WARRING ROBOTS!!! Robotics teams design and then battle their bots to the death.

1) Watch the video below for exactly 33 seconds, then hit pause. 

2) Guess which robot will win the battle.

3) Resume watching the video to the end.

4) In the comments below, tell us a) Which robot you predicted would win and b) Which features you would install on your robot if you were to compete on Robot Wars.

Tin Men Micro Objective - Art - 50


Quest Scouts inspires your to squeeze the most out of life while collecting real-life, physical badges. 


Create "Index Card Art" inspired by the provided prompt.


This micro quest is part of our ongoing series, "index card art." We chose index cards for two reasons. First, index cards are inexpensive cheap and readily available. We don't expect that it will be difficult for any of you to procure an index card. Second, many who don't consider themselves "artists" tend to stress about creating or sharing art. Using an index card instead of a sketch book lends itself to silliness. Have fun with the prompt! We're not looking for perfection, just a good time. You can save your index cards and look back at them over time, or throw them away. The choice is up to you!

1) Gather your supplies. You'll need an index card (4x6 or 5x7) and something to draw with. (Pencil, pen, markers... you get the point!)

2) Interpret the prompt below to make your index card art.

Robots + X-Ray = ?


3) Share a photo of your index card art on Instagram,Twitter or our Facebook Group with the tags #QuestScouts and #NotecardArt. 

Remember, if you post to a public Instagram or Twitter account your photo will show up on our Scout Board for other Quest Scouts to view and interact with.


Tin Men - Media - 150


Watch and review the robot themed movie of your choice. 


1) Watch one of the listed robot themed movies.

2) Let us know which you watched and what you thought of it in the comments below.


D.A.R.Y.L. (1985)

Available through Amazon Video and Netflix DVD.

The Stepford Wives (2004)

Available through Amazon Video and Netflix DVD.

The Iron Giant (1999)

Available through Amazon Video and Netflix.

I, Robot (2004)

Available through Amazon Video and Netflix DVD.

Tin Men - Literature - 300

"Find the key emotion; this may be all you need know to find your short story.”

– F. Scott Fitzgerald


Write a short science fiction piece that includes a robot element.


1) Write a short science fiction piece that:

       a) includes a robot element and

       b) is at least 2,000 words.

2) Share a public link to your piece in the comments below. Don't skip this step! Work on your short story until it is something you're proud enough to share. You can post your story on a blog, use a google document, or come up with another means to host your story.

Up In Flames - Travel - 300


Check out a robot and learn about its technology and utility.


1) Identify a location where you can view a working robot. 

If you're not sure where to start, consider factories, robotics contests, museums. 

Note: This robot should not be something that is easily commercially available. (We don't want to see a single Roomba! Although those are pretty amazing...) It would be really easy to complete this objective in a perfunctory manner. Don't cheat yourself out of what could be an amazing experience by taking the easy way out! 

2) Contact and set up a tour (informal or not) during which you can observe the robot.

3) Visit and watch the robot. While there, or through research afterward, learn as much as you can about the robot and how it works.

Who developed the robot? How does the robot work? What is it used for? What are the robots strengths and weaknesses? 

4) Take a photo to document your visit and post the photo to Twitter or Instagram with the tags #QuestScouts and #Robot.

5) In the comments below, tell us about a) your experience visiting the robot and b) what you learned.


Tin Men - Visit - 300


Take field notes about an automoton in action.


1) Know what we're looking for in this quest through by carefully reading this section.

Mirriam-Webster describes an automaton as:

  1. a mechanism that is relatively self-operating; especially :  robot

  2. a machine or control mechanism designed to follow automatically a predetermined sequence of operations or respond to encoded instructions.

Think of an automaton as an old-school robot. Usually existing for the purpose of entertainment, they move in pre-programed directions in an attempt to mimic lifelike acts. While automatons are traditionally non-electric, animatronics are also acceptable for this quest. 

The key here is that we're looking for something that a) takes on living characteristics, b) moves in pre-programmed (non-spontaneous) tracks and c) exists primarily for entertainment.

2) Identify a location where you can visit and view an automaton. 

If you're not sure where to start, consider places of entertainment. Amusement parks, Chuck E Cheese, natural history museums, and so on.

3) Visit and watch the automaton in action. While there, take notes on the automaton's behaviors so that you can throughly complete step five.

4) Take a photo to document your visit and post the photo to Twitter or Instagram with the tags #QuestScouts and #Automaton or #Animatronic.

5) In the comments below, answer the following questions:

       1- Did you observe an automaton or animatronic? How can you tell?

       1- What did the automaton/animatronic look like?

       2- What movements could the automaton/animatronic make?

       4- How frequently were the movements repeated?

       5- Was there a crowd around? If so, what was their reaction to the automaton/animatronic?

Tin Men - Art - 200


Press a design into a sheet of tin.


1) Gather your supplies.

You'll need:

       A) A sheet of metal 

       B) Tools for manipulating the tin, such as a stylus or punch.

Note: Your metal sheet does not have to be tin. In fact, aluminum sheets are probably an better choice. A tin can will also work, but is rather dangerous. It's probably worth it to buy the sheets! 

2) Emboss, punch or etch into your sheet to create a fun print. 

This is a higher point objective, so don't rush it! Put some time in effort into making something you're proud to share.

If you need some inspiration, check out these awesome projects!

-A detailed tutorial for metal embossing

-Embossed Tree from Marta Harvey

-Beautiful punched tin designs from Martha Stewart

-Embossed tin trinket box (Scroll down)

3) Photograph your complete piece and post it on Instagram or Twitter with the tags #QuestScouts and #MetalArt.

Remember, if you post to a public Instagram or Twitter account your photo will show up on our Scout Board for other Quest Scouts to enjoy and comment on.

Tin Men - DIY - 300


Cook a tin foil meal over an open fire. 


1) Choose what you're going to cook. You can use a recipe or wing it. If you need inspiration, Pinterest is a good place to start.


-At least one course of your meal should be a "tin foil meal." This means that you assemble your ingredients in a tin foil pouch, and cook it over an open fire. (You are not required to serve multiple courses, but it could be fun.)

-Your meal must be cooked over an open fire, not in an over.

2) Gather the necessary ingredients and tools needed to make your meal a success.

3) Cook your meal over an open fire. (Should we repeat "open fire" again? fire.) 

4) Eat up!

5) Tell us about your experience in the comments below. Where did you cook your meal? What recipe(s), if any, did you use? How did it taste? What' if anything, would you do differently next time? Did you have a good time?

6) Take a picture of your finished meal and post it on Instagram or Twitter with the tags #QuestScouts and #TinfoilMeal.

Remember, if you post to a public Instagram or Twitter account your photo will show up on our Scout Board for other Quest Scouts to enjoy and comment on.

Tin Men - Find - 300


Hide a minty fresh geocache or letterbox.


If you are a letterboxer, or new to geocaching, you may not be familiar with the "mint tin" hide. Once popular among geocachers, mint tin hides have lessened in popularity. However, they still make a great hide container when done correctly!

1) Obtain your mint tin. 

2) Clear your tin of any mint residue. 

3) (Optional) Paint and or attach magnets to your tin. 

4) Fill your tin with a small logbook, and anything else that may enhance the finder's experience. 

5) Stash you hide!*

6) Take a photo to document your adventure and share it on Instagram or Twitter with the tag #QuestScouts and #Geocaching or #Letterboxing. 

7) Tell us about your experience in the comments below. Leave a link to the listing of your hide so that we can search for it when in the area!

*A "find/hide" can be either a geocache or letterbox. Not familiar with either? Watch this video by Groundspeak, the #1 lister of geocaches or read about letterboxing from Atlas Quest. However, if you've never geocached or letterboxed, we highly suggest you start with a different find objective. It's best to make 100+ finds before you hide.

Tin Men - Games - 200


Enter the Design A Robot Contest with Tin Specter Games.


1) We've partnered withTin Specter Games, an indie tabletop gaming company in Portland Oregon, to bring you this quest. Head to the Tin Specter Game website and read the description of their first game, Robot Deputies in Outer Space, which is currently in development. 

2) Click on the "Design A Robot" button to download the necessary PDF to enter the contest.

3) Following the directions provided on the PDF, imagine and draw a robot for the contest. Remember to give your bot a name!

4) (Optional) Enter the contest by mailing your design to the address listed on the pdf. (Hm... That address seems VERY familiar...)

5) Take a picture of your robot and post it on Instagram or Twitter with the tags #QuestScouts and #TinSpecter.

Remember, if you post to a public Instagram or Twitter account your photo will show up on our Scout Board for other Quest Scouts to enjoy and comment on.